2024 Duck Dinner Registration Form Name *Email Address *Please provide the best email to reach youPhone *Please provide the best number to reach you.Company Name *Will you be bringing any additional guests *No additional guestsOneTwoThreeFourFiveSixSevenEightNineTenElevenTwelveGuest One NameGuest Two NameGuest Three NameGuest Four NameGuest Five NameGuest Six NameGuest Seven NameGuest Eight NameGuest Nine NameGuest Ten NameGuest Eleven NameGuest Twelve NameAre you or any of your guests Vegetarian?YesNoHow Many?Please note: The cost is $75/guest. For questions or reservation changes please contact Della Dellapella at (313) 341-7661 ext. 208 or [email protected] Please make checks payable to:MCA Detroit36200 Schoolcraft RdLivonia, MI 48150 OR CLICK HERE TO PAY ONLINE *NEW*Register