ThermalNetics ★

Bill Vaillancourt, Vice-President
3955 Pinnacle Court
Auburn Hills, MI 48326
Work: (248) 276-3300
Fax: (248) 276-3301

Keywords: 24 hour emergency service, maintenance contracts, insurance work, equipment repairs, troubleshooting, chiller rentals


Ainsworth, Inc.


Sam Parise, Regional Director
Cell: 313-542-5329
Brandon Wettlaufer, Project Manager
Josh Shepard, Project Manager
General Email: [email protected]

Areas of Expertise
Performs construction / services in Southeastern Michigan for sheetmetal, pipefitter, and plumbing trades on HVAC systems, plumbing systems, process utilities, control systems and Design / Build Offers specialty services that include Back Flow Preventer Certification, DDC controls of various manufacturers, Boiler Certifications Various systems serviced:  Roof Top A/C Units, Boilers, Split A/C systems, Unit Ventilators, Chillers, Variable Volume Air Handling Units, Sir Handling Units with VFD drives, VAV Air systems boxes Technician Services include but not limited to Preventative / Periodic Maintenance & Repairs


VRF Technologies HVAC LLC ★

Stephen A Peters, Principal
Cody L Christy, Managing Partner of Construction

Areas of Expertise: VRF and VRV services and installation, forensic investigations on failed systems, new construction consultants pertaining to VRF and VRV, Veteran Owned Business


Witt Mechanical, Inc. ★

Aalden Guilmette, President
Shirley Kelch, Office Manager

Areas of Expertise
commercial HVAC, boilers, boiler installation, boiler service, HVAC service, industrial refrigeration, energy management, HVAC controls, sheet metal, union journeymen pipefitters, union sheet metal workers, competitive pricing, fast, dependable, high quality workmanship, chillers, heat pumps, 24 hour, 24 hour dispatch service, HVAC repairs


Weiss Construction Co. ★

Christopher P. Fitch, General Manager

Areas of Expertise
Weiss, Weiss Construction Company, water & wastewater treatment systems,equipment installation, purchasing, installation, piping, valves, fittings, pumps, design/build, wastewater treatment, specializes in water & wastewater treatment systems