MSCA STAR Qualified Contractors

MSCA STAR excellence achievement designation is a qualifications program recognizing the top mechanical service contractors. Established in 2003 by the Mechanical Service Contractors of America, MSCA STAR contractors have successfully passed an extensive, independent evaluation of key requirements that indicate that they are the best in the industry at delivering top-quality service, focusing on industrial, institutional and commercial facilities. MSCA STAR Qualified Contractors must have:

A proven track record in the HVACR industry
Involvement in the industry for more than five years
At least 25% of your current technicians are UA STAR certified
Documented service safety & health programs and maintain an outstanding safety record
Provide ongoing educational training to employees
Have employees attend at least one MSCA or MCAA-sponsored national or local program a year
Have an established truck inventory control system and major tool inventory program
Provide and require photo ID cards to be worn by all field personnel
Maintain the highest levels of customer service

For additional information on MSCA STAR Qualified Contractors go to:

UA STAR Qualified Technicians

A key component to becoming a MSCA STAR is that at least 25% of your technicians must be UA STAR certified when you apply. When a technician passes the UA STAR exam, it’s proof to the customer that the technician has been adequately trained and possesses the knowledge necessary to perform their job. This means the customer can count on value, quality workmanship and dedication to the industry. And the UA STAR program is the only technician certification program in the HVACR industry that is ANSI accredited and ISO 9000 certified. For additional information on UA STAR and UA training programs go to:

Responsible Contracting

MCA Detroit contractors support the Michigan Association for Responsible Contracting (MARC).  They believe that school districts need to be aware of the elements of responsible contracting before awarding their bids, so they don’t find later they were too late in getting a job well done.

While the MARC encourages contractors and communities to adopt a policy of responsible contracting for school construction, MCA Detroit contractors say responsible contracting should apply to all construction. Responsible contracting is not about taking the lowest bid. It is, however, about taking the lowest “responsible bid”.

A Responsible Contractor Policy is a set of enforceable qualifications adopted by the building owner and incorporated into the job’s construction bid specifications.  Once adopted and generated into the bid documents, these important qualifications let bidders know that the owner wants competent and qualified construction firms and personnel to build and/or renovate his/her buildings.

These important qualifications reassure the owner that other quality contracting factors, in addition to price, will be considered when construction bids are reviewed.

Having a Responsible Contractor Policy in place and included in the bid specifications enables the owner to put all bidders on notice that additional factors other than lowest price will be considered when bids are reviewed to ensure the selection of qualified construction professionals to build and renovate structures.

Owners that adopt a Responsible Contractor Policy are assured of quality construction at the lowest possible cost.

SEE A Checklist of Critical Factors to Incorporate Into a Responsible Contractor Policy.